SAIQ Driver App Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Notice in SAIQ First,

Introduction Second,

Overview Third,

Data collection and use policies Fourth, Selection and transparency Fifth, Updates to this notice

First, Introduction

By using a SAIQ app, you have full confidence in a driver's ability to maintain the privacy of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining that trust. This commitment begins with helping you understand the privacy practices of SAIQ. This notice explains the personal data ("data") we collect, how they are used and shared, as well as the options you have for such data. We recommend that you read this notice and see the overview of privacy, which addresses key points of privacy practice.

Second. Overview

a. " Scope This notice applies to users of SAIQ services anywhere in the world, including users of apps, websites, features, and other services belonging to a SAIQ. This notice explains how a SAIQ company and its affiliates collect and use data. This notice applies to all driver users globally, unless they use a service that includes a separate privacy notice.

This notice shall apply specifically to:

● Passengers: Persons who request or receive transport and related services through their accounts in SAIQ.

● Driver Partners: People who provide transportation services to passengers independently or through partner carriers.

This notice also controls the collection of other data by SAIQ company in relation to the services it provides. or contact information for persons who manage and use accounts owned by "enterprise customers"; or the data of persons who start applying for SAIQ partners or delivery partners and do not supplement them.

All persons to whom this notice is addressed are referred to as "users".

SAIQ privacy practices are governed by applicable laws in the places where we provide our services. This means that we participate in the practices described in this notice in a particular country or region only if permitted under the laws in force in those places.

Please contact us:

If you have inquiries about our practices in a particular country or region.

SAIQ company manages, collects and analyzes personal data globally whenever you travel anywhere; So, we can use them to offer you a smooth experience. We are also committed to the rights to protect your data, whether you are home or in any other country.

This means that we may transfer your personal data to countries other than your home country for the purpose of providing you with our services in another country at your request. We may also transfer your personal data to another country if required to respond to any request you send to Customer Support Service from outside your country. Users may also have access to consultation/order records in another country after leaving the service country. Since several users can use our services at the same time, the other user in another country may have limited access to personal data.

We take these actions to implement our agreements with all users of our Services, or upon Users' instructions or prior consent, suitability decisions in relevant countries, or other data transfer mechanisms that may be applicable under applicable law, such as standard contractual clauses.

We may also transfer data to other countries to respond to a law enforcement body's request for personal data. To provide additional safeguards for such data transfers, SAIQ applies strict internal procedures to deal with any such requests. SAIQ discloses personal data to law enforcement bodies only in a manner consistent with the regulatory requirements of applicable laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find more information on requests from law enforcement agencies.

To help provide the equivalent level of data protection wherever our services are used, SAIQ applied the following measures worldwide:

● Policies and procedures have been developed to restrict access to and use of personal data for specific purposes;

● Provided special training for personnel responsible for the management of personal data,

● Formulated a policy to inform government agencies of data that requires refusal to inform government agencies of data, unless disclosure of data is mandatory under applicable laws, including the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or where there is an imminent risk of serious harm to individuals, or when consent is obtained,

● Formulated a policy to inform government agencies of data that requires refusal to inform government agencies of data, unless disclosure of data is mandatory under applicable laws, including the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), or where there is an imminent risk of serious harm to individuals, or when consent is obtained,

● Powerful data protection tools are designed as they move between a SAIQ apps and our servers, and when using data on our servers. These include encrypting data and using pseudonyms to help protect users' full identity and prevent unauthorized disclosure. To make it easier for you, you can direct any requests to exercise your data protection rights to a driver via any of the specific channels mentioned above, which will be handled centrally on behalf of the controller concerned. You can send inquiries, comments, and complaints about data collection practices and use in SAIQ......

Third, Data collection and use policies

a. " The data we collect SAIQ company collects the following data:

● provided by users to SAIQ company, such as information entered during account creation

● generated while using our services, such as location data, application usage data, and device data

● from other sources, such as other users or account owners, business partners, suppliers, providers of insurance and financial solutions, and government bodies To make it easier for you, we have developed a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it.......

SAIQ company collects the following data:

1. Data provided by users. These include:

● User Profile Information: We collect data from users when creating or updating their accounts in SAIQ, or when they make orders via the features of completing the payment process with a guest account. This may include a user's name, e-mail, telephone number, login name and password, address, profile photo, payment information or bank information (including relevant payment verification information), driver's license and other documents issued by government bodies (which may include identity card numbers, date of birth, sex and personal photo). This also includes mobility or insurance information for driver and delivery partners, emergency contact information, user settings and evidence of proper health or fitness to provide services using SAIQ applications.

● Criminal background check information (SAIQ partners and delivery partners): This includes information sent during the application process to join SAIQ partners/delivery partners, such as SAIQ partner's consultation record or criminal record (as permitted by law), driving license status, known aliases, previous addresses and entitlement to work. This information may be collected by an authorized supplier on behalf of a SAIQ company.

● Identity verification photographs: This includes users' photographs (e.g. selfies) and/or identification cards issued by government bodies (e.g. driver's licence or passports). Such images may be used to verify the user's identity, for example through identification techniques. Please see the section entitled "How to use SAIQ for personal data" to learn more about how users' images are used for safety and security purposes, including identity verification.

● Demographic data: We may collect demographic data about users, such as date of birth/age, sex or occupation, where appropriate for certain services or programmes in SAIQ or safety features that allow users to determine their preferences for providing services to or receiving services from other women ("passenger preference").

We may also infer demographic data from other data collected from users. For example, we may conclude the user's gender based on his or her first name to activate safety features, such as "passenger preference", or to display ad hoc advertising about external products or services. Please see the section entitled "How SAIQ uses the personal data" below for more information.

We may also collect demographic data through surveys provided to users.

● User Content: We collect data sent by users when they communicate with SAIQ customer support service (including at SAIQ registration offices, telephone conversations or video conferencing tools), when providing ratings or feedback to other users, restaurants or stores, or when communicating with SAIQ company in any other way. This may include photographs, audio or video recordings sent by users in the context of customer support service requests. This also includes metadata on the method used to communicate with SAIQ. The contents of photos and recordings sent by users are subject to all the guidance of SAIQ community.

2. Data generated during the use of our services. These include:

2. Data generated during the use of our services. These include:

● Location Data (Driver Partner and Delivery Partner): We collect accurate or approximate location data from mobile devices of driver and delivery partners when operating SAIQ application in the interface of the device (when the application is open and visible on the screen) or in the background of the device (when the application is open and not visible on the screen).

● Location data (passengers and order recipients). We collect accurate or approximate location information from mobile devices for passengers and order recipients when they allow us to do so via their device settings.

SAIQ collects this data from the time the ride or delivery service is requested until the end, and whenever the app is running in the interface of the device (when the app is open and visible on the screen). See the "Selection and Transparency" section below for information on how passengers and order recipients can enable accurate location data collection.

Passengers and recipients may use SAIQ apps without enabling the collection of location data from mobile devices. However, this may affect certain features in SAIQ applications. For example, a passenger who has not allowed the collection of accurate location data must enter the meeting address manually.

In addition, the exact location data we collect from the driver partner's device while making the walk is linked to the passenger's account, even if the passenger does not allow the accurate location data to be collected from his device. These data are used for such purposes as issuance of receipts, customer support, monitoring of fraudulent activities, insurance coverage and litigation proceedings.

● Transaction Information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our Services, including the type of services required or provided, details of the consultation or request (such as date and time, meeting/receipt and disembarkation/delivery addresses required, distance traveled, items required), and payment transaction information (amount paid, method of payment). We also associate the username with the name of anyone using the promo code provided to them.

● Usage Data: We collect data on how users interact with our services. These data include entry dates and times, application features or pages displayed, browser type, application breakdowns and other system activities.

● Device Data: We collect data about devices used to benefit from our services, including device models, device IP address or other unique device IDs, operating systems and versions, software, preferred languages, ad IDs, device movement data, and mobile network data.

● Communication Data: We collect data related to phone calls, text messages or communication within the app between users when activated through SAIQ apps. This includes date and time, as well as text or message content within the app. We may also collect the content of telephone calls only in cases where users are informed in advance of the possibility of recording the call.

3. Data from other sources. This includes:

● Users participating in invitation programs. For example, if the user invites another person, we receive the data of the invited person from that user.

● Account owners in SAIQ who request services for or on behalf of other users (such as friends or family members), or who allow other users to request or receive services through their business accounts (such as SAIQ account holders).

● Users or other persons providing information relating to claims or disputes.

● Business partners in SAIQ whose accounts users use or create in SAIQ, such as payment service providers, social media services, apps or websites that use SAIQ APIs, or whose application programming interfaces are used by SAIQ company.

● SAIQ business partners in respect of debit or credit cards issued by a partner financial institution with SAIQ to the extent disclosed in the card's terms and conditions.

● Suppliers who help us verify users' identity, criminal background information, eligibility to work, or who examine users in relation to penalties, anti-money laundering, or customer knowledge requirements.

● Providers of insurance, mobility or financial services to driver and/or delivery partners.

● Partner carriers (for driver partners or delivery partners who use our services through an account associated with a similar company).

● Providers of marketing services or data distributors whose data Uber uses for marketing or search purposes.

● Law enforcement officials, public health officials, and other government authorities.

b. How to use SAIQ for personal data The data SAIQ company uses to provide transportation, delivery, and other services and products conveniently and securely. We also use this data:

● To enhance user safety and the security of our services

● To provide support to customers

● To conduct research and development processes

● To provide communication between users

● Marketing & Advertising

● To send non-marketing communications to users

● With regard to legal proceedings To make it easier for you, we have developed a visual summary of the data we collect and how we use it......

We use the data we collect as follows:

1. Provide our services. SAIQ uses data to deliver, personalize, retain and improve our services.

This includes the use of data as follows:

● Create/update accounts.

● Activate transportation, delivery and other services/features, such as:

○ Use location data to guide to passenger rendezvous points and order delivery locations, calculate estimated arrival time, and track the progress of rides or deliveries.

○ Features that include data sharing, such as sharing of driver's first name, passenger mobility information to facilitate meet-ups, user profile, consultation details to share estimated arrival time and fare sharing, and users' assessments and positive fees.

○ Matching driver and delivery partners available to users requesting services. Users can be matched based on availability, location/proximity of distance, user settings/preferences, and other factors such as the likelihood of accepting a dialogue based on their past behaviors or preferences. Please read...... To learn more about the matching process.

○ Features that make it easier for people with special needs to use our services.

○ Features that include linking account, such as linking email to create itinerary within features and connecting reward programs to activate partnership benefits

● Activate the Dynamic Pricing System feature, which allows the pricing of a ride, or delivery order fees in SAIQ, according to factors such as estimated time and distance, expected routes, estimated traffic, and the current number of users requesting or appreciating services.

● Execution of payments.

● Provide users with updates on consultations or connections, create receipts, and inform them of changes to terms, services or policies.

● Implement the processes necessary to maintain our services, including investigating and repairing software and operational problems.

SAIQ conducts the above-mentioned activities on the basis that they are necessary to fulfil the terms of our agreements with users, are compatible with users, or are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of SAIQ and its users.

2. Safety and security. We use data to help keep our services and users safe and secure. These include:

● Verify users' identity and eligibility for transportation or delivery services, including through reviews of criminal background checks, to help prevent dangerous driver and/or passenger partners from using our services.

In some areas, this includes a real-time identity verification feature in SAIQ, which requires driver and delivery partners to share a selfie before moving to contact mode to help ensure that the photo of the driver or delivery partner using the app matches that of their registered account in SAIQ. We may also use this feature for other verification purposes, such as verifying the change of bank account information or restoring access to the account.

In addition, we may use facial identification technology to process photographs in the user's profile, photographs, or other photographs provided by the user to prevent borrowing of identity or the use of unauthorized driver or delivery partners for our services.

We may also use selfies to verify users' wearing of masks, helmets or other safety equipment using verification technology.

In some countries, passengers may be required to prove their identities by using the cash payment feature and some other payment methods. In similar cases, SAIQ allows passengers to submit an ID number and/or a copy of the identity card to complete these verifications. Please see here for more information on verifying the passenger's identity.

Similarly, recipients may be required to provide information about their age and a copy of the identity card issued by a government authority to verify their eligibility. Please see here for more information on verification of the recipient's identity.

● Using data from driver partners or delivery partners to detect unsafe driving behaviors such as driving fast or using brakes and gasoline pedal aggressively to inform them of safe driving practices. We also use data from delivery partner devices to verify the type of mobility they use to provide delivery services.

● Use driver partner location information, and communication between passengers and driver partners, to determine the value of cancellation fees collected or caused by fraudulent activity. For example, if we decide that the driver partner delays the passenger meeting process to motivate him to cancel the trip, the passenger will not be charged cancellation fees, and we will adjust the amount paid to the driver partner to deduct these fees. To object to this amendment, please contact the customer support team of SAIQ.

● Use of device data, location, user profile, usage and other data to prevent, monitor and combat other types of fraudulent activities. This includes identifying accounts or fraudulent uses of our services, preventing unauthorized driver or delivery partners from using our services, verifying users' identities with respect to certain payment methods, and preventing and combating unauthorized access to users' accounts. In some cases, when a user is found to misuse SAIQ call-to-driver software or to have provided fraudulent documentation, such behaviour may automatically discontinue the account, stop the account after human review or where required by law. To object to this suspension, please contact the customer support team of SAIQ.

● Use user assessments, reported events and other comments to encourage compliance with SAIQ Community Guidelines, and as a justification for discontinuing or otherwise violating Low Ratings Users' accounts in specific countries. Such suspension shall take place only after a human review or where required by law. To learn more about the evaluation's identification and use, please see here the Passenger Assessment, here on the Driver Partners Assessment, and here on the Delivery Partners Evaluation. To object to this suspension, please contact SAIQ Customer Support Team

● Use driver partners' data (such as location, assessments and gender, where permitted by law) and passenger data (such as assessments, meeting and destination sites) to anticipate and help avoid user-to-user reconciliations that may increase the risk of conflict between themselves (for example, because one user has given the other a one-star assessment previously).

● Share your username, location, phone number, mobility details and other relevant information with third-party companies that support the management and mitigation of personal disputes that may occur between users during consultations or connections.

SAIQ Company carries out the above activities on the basis that they are necessary to meet the terms of our agreements with users, and/or for the legitimate safety and security of SAIQ Company, users of our apps and the general public.

3. Customer support service. SAIQ uses the information we collect (which may include call recordings) to provide support service to customers, including investigating user problems, trying to solve them, monitoring customer support team responses and processes and improving them.

SAIQ company carries out the above-mentioned activities on the basis that they are necessary to meet the requirements of our agreements with users or for the legitimate interests of the chauffeur to monitor and improve the customer support services of the company.

4. Conducting research and development processes. We use data to conduct testing, research, analysis, product development and automated learning to improve users' experience. This helps us to make our services fit the largest number of users and easier to use, enhance the safety and security of our services, and develop new services and features.

SAIQ company carries out the above-mentioned activities on the basis that they are necessary to achieve the legitimate interests of Chauffeur in improving and developing new services and features.

5. Provide communication between users. For example, a driver partner may contact or text a passenger to confirm the meeting location, and the passenger may contact the driver partner to recover a missing purpose.

SAIQ company carries out the above activities on the basis that they are necessary to fulfill the terms of our agreements with users.

6. Marketing and advertising. The data SAIQ company (excluding "guest users" data) uses to market its services and those of chauffeur partners. This information may include:

● Send emails, text messages, temporary notifications, in-app messages or other marketing or advertising communications to SAIQ products, services, features, special offers, promotions, contests, news and events.

This may include the use of the Site, a log of prior consultations and requests, and usage data to send personalized marketing messages based on users' interests and characteristics previously observed or concluded. For example, we may send temporary notifications indicating the user's preferred destinations, in-app messages offering discounts or promotions.

● Display SAIQ ads on external apps or their websites. This includes using the site, a log of prior consultations and requests, usage data, sharing of segmented email addresses, device identifiers or users with advertising partners (such as Facebook and TikTok), to customize these ads to suit users' interests.

● Display external ads in SAIQ applications or in the context of providing our services.

This includes ads (referred to as "funded ads" in SAIQ apps) that are customized based on users' locations and their previous order history.

This also includes advertisements for other external products or services that are customized based on users' interests and characteristics previously observed or concluded, which we identify using data such as approximate location, consultation details and records, usage data, demographic data (which may include gender evidentiary data), and device identifiers or users.

This also includes ads that are customized based on the current consultation or delivery request data, including order time and required services. For example, if a user requests a consultation to a store, we may display ads within the app for outdoor products that may be available in this store.

● Measure the effectiveness of SAIQ ads and outdoor ads displayed in SAIQ applications or in the context of our service delivery.

SAIQ company carries out the above-mentioned activities on the basis that they are necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of SAIQ in informing users of the services and features of SAIQ or those provided by the SAIQ's partners. You can see the sections "Choice and Transparency" and "Marketing and Advertising Options" for information about your choices regarding how SAIQ uses your data for marketing and advertising purposes.

7. Non-marketing communications. SAIQ may use data to send polls and other communications that are not intended to market the services, products or partners of SAIQ. We may also inform users of elections, ballots, referendums and other political processes related to our services. For example, SAIQ company sent a notification to some users via email to take ballot measures or pending legislation related to SAIQ services in these users' areas.

SAIQ Company carries out the above-mentioned activities on the basis that they are necessary to fulfil the terms of our agreements with users, or for the legitimate interests of a driver's company and its users to inform users of events that may have an impact on how they use the services of SAIQ.

8. Legal procedures and requirements. We may use data to investigate or resolve claims or disputes relating to the use of SAIQ's services, to meet requirements under laws, regulations, operating licences or agreements in force, or in accordance with legal procedures or government requests, including law enforcement requests.

The company of SAIQ of the above-mentioned activities shall be carried out on the basis that it is necessary for the purposes of the SAIQ's legitimate interests in investigating and responding to claims and disputes relating to the use of the services and features of SAIQ and/or on the basis that they are necessary to comply with applicable legal requirements.

c. Cookies and other parties' technologies SAIQ company and its partners use cookies and other techniques to identify on apps, websites, email addresses, online ads for the purposes indicated in this notice, and SAIQ's notice for cookies.

Cookies are small text files stored on browsers or devices by websites, apps, online media, and advertising. The cookie SAIQ company and similar technologies are used for such purposes as:

● User authentication

● Remember users' preferences and settings

● Determine the extent of content popularity

● Display advertising campaigns and measure their effectiveness

● Analysis of site utilization rate and trends, and general understanding of the behaviors and interests of people interacting with our online services We may also allow others to provide analytical services, measure audience size, display ads on our behalf online, and track and report on the performance of these ads. These entities may also use cookies, web wireless routers, software development package tools (SDK), and other technologies to identify devices used by visitors to our sites, as well as when visiting other websites and services online.

Please see Cookie Notice for more information about the use of cookies and other technologies described in this section.

d. Information sharing and disclosure

Some SAIQ services and features require data sharing with other users or at the user's request. We may also share such data with our affiliates, subsidiaries and partners, for legal reasons or in relation to claims or disputes.

Data sharing SAIQ may:

1. With other users This includes the participation of:

● Passenger's first name, assessment, and location of meeting with driver partners and/or disembarkation sites.

● First name of passengers with passengers participating in a joint trip. Passengers in joint consultations may consult the other passengers' disembarkation site.

● For driver and delivery partners, we may share data with passengers, including their username and image; The manufacturer of the mobility, model, color, license plate, photo and location (prior to and during the trip); The average assessment added by users, the total number of consultations, the duration of use of the SAIQ application since registration to serve as a driver's or delivery partner, contact information, the driver's or delivery partner's profile, including positive feedback, and other feedback provided by former users.

We also provide passengers and order recipients with receipts containing information such as details of the amounts charged, the driver's or delivery partner's first name, image and road map. Other information is also included in these receipts if provided for by law.

● For users who participate in the invitation program in SAIQ, we share some invited users' data, such as the number of consultations, with the invitation user, with the appropriate limit to determine the invitation bonus.

2. Upon user's request This includes sharing data with:

● Other people at the user's request. For example, we share the user's estimated arrival time and location with a friend at the request of that user, or information about the user's consultation when he/she splits the fare with his/her friend.

● Business partners in SAIQ. For example, if a user requests a service through a partnership or promotion by another party, SAIQ may share some information with those other parties. This may include, for example, services, platforms, applications, or other websites that integrate with APIs Our APIs and mobile or service suppliers who provide API (API) or a service with which we integrate, restaurants, shops or other business partners in SAIQ and their users in connection with promotions, competitions or specialized services.

● Emergency services: We offer features that enable users to share their data with police, fire and emergency ambulance services or after some incidents. For more information, please see the sections below entitled "Selection and transparency" and "Data sharing in emergencies".

3. With the general public Enquiries or comments made by users through public forums (SAIQ blogs and SAIQ's social media pages) may be displayed to the public, including any data included in the enquiries or comments provided by users.

4. With SAIQ service providers and business partners This includes:

● Facilitation and implementation of payments

● Providers of criminal background checks and identity checks

● Cloud Storage Providers

● Google, regarding the use of Google Maps in SAIQ apps (see Google Privacy Policy for information about data collection and use)

● Social media companies, including Facebook and TikTok, in relation to SAIQ's use of their tools in driver's apps and websites (read on Facebook's privacy policy as well as TikTok's privacy policy for information on how they collect and use data)

● Marketing partners, platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers and other service providers to reach or better understand our users and measure the effectiveness of advertising

● Research partners, including those carrying out polls or research projects in partnership with or on behalf of a driver

● Suppliers who help SAIQ enhance safety and security in their applications and services

● Consultants, lawyers, accountants and other professional service providers

● Insurance and Financial Services Partners

● Airports

● Other parties' mobility providers, including car fleets and car rental partners

5. For legal reasons or in the event of disputes SAIQ's company may share users' data if we believe it is required by law, rules, work permit or agreement, applicable legal procedures or government requests, or when disclosure of such data is necessary for matters affecting safety or similar concerns.

This includes sharing data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government authorities or airport officials (if requested by the airport authorities as a condition of work on the airport grounds), or with other parties where necessary to apply applicable conditions of service, user agreements or other policies; To protect the rights, property, safety or property of SAIQ or other person, or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to the use of our services. In the event of a dispute related to the use of another person's credit card, we may be required by law to share your data, including consultation or application information, with the owner of such credit card.

This also includes sharing data with others in relation to any merger, sale of the company's assets, consolidation, restructuring, financing, or the total or partial acquisition of our business by another company, or during the negotiations.

6. Approval

SAIQ may share user data other than as described in this notice if we notify the user and agree to participate.

e. ' Retention and deletion of information SAIQ maintains user data for as long as necessary for the above purposes, including providing its services and complying with legal obligations.

SAIQ maintains user data as long as necessary for the above purposes. Our period of retention of users' data is determined by the type of data, the category of user to which the data relates, and the purposes for which we collected that data.

The duration of SAIQ's retention of user data may be determined in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, safety and security purposes and fraud prevention, or in accordance with user account problems such as outstanding balance, claim or unresolved dispute. For example, we keep data:

● For the duration of activation of users' accounts if such data is necessary to provide our services. For example, user profile information and credentials data.

● after requests to delete accounts if necessary for the purposes of safety, security, fraud prevention or compliance with legal requirements, or due to user account problems (e.g. outstanding balance, claim or dispute under consideration).

Users may request to delete their accounts at any time. SAIQ's company may retain users' data after requesting deletion due to legal or regulatory requirements or for the reasons stated in this policy.

Users may request that their accounts be deleted at any time through the "Settings" > "Privacy" lists in SAIQ app, or through SAIQ website (passengers and order recipients here, driver partners and delivery partners here, using the benefit of completing the payment with a guest account here).

After requesting the deletion of the account, The user's account and data shall be deleted, unless it must be retained due to legal or regulatory requirements, for safety and security purposes and the prevention of fraud, or due to a user's account problem such as outstanding balance, claim or unresolved dispute. In compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements for drivers and delivery agents, this generally means that we retain the user's account and data for the applicable legal retention period after the deletion request. For passengers and request recipients, their data are generally deleted within 90 days of submission of the deletion request, except where retention is necessary for the reasons stated.

Fourth. Selection and transparency SAIQ allows users to use the data they collect and/or control, including by:

● privacy settings

● Devices Permissions

● Ratings pages in the app

● Marketing Options

SAIQ company also allows users to request the use of their data or copies, make changes or updates to their accounts, request the deletion of their accounts, or request that SAIQ's company restrict the analysis and use of users' data.

a. " privacy settings

The "Settings" > "Privacy" list in the application allows passengers and order recipients to set or update their preferences in terms of site data collection and sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications. The Privacy Center is also available in the app's web release.

● Collect location data (passengers and order recipients)

Passengers and order recipients can enable/disable SAIQ's collection of location data from their mobile devices through their device settings, which can be navigated through "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Location" lists.

● Direct Location Sharing (Passengers)

Passengers can enable/disable SAIQ's real-time location data sharing feature from their mobile devices with driver partners through their device settings, which can be navigated through "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Location" lists.

● Sharing data in emergencies.

Passengers may enable SAIQ's real-time sharing of location data from their mobile devices with police, fire and emergency ambulance services. Such data may include the approximate location at the time of emergency calls; These include information on the vehicle manufacturer, model, color, license plate, passenger's name, telephone number,meeting and drop off locations, and driver's name.

Passengers may enable/disable this feature via "Settings" > "Privacy" > "Location" or "Safety Center" lists.

Driver and delivery partners can also enable/disable the "Emergency Data Sharing" feature via application settings > "Emergency Data Sharing" menu, or "Safety Tools".

● Notifications: Account updates and consultations

SAIQ provide users with notifications about the status of the rides and updates related to their accounts. These notifications are an essential part of the use of SAIQ's application and cannot be deactivated. However, users may choose how they receive these notifications through "Settings" > "Privacy" lists.

● Notifications: Discounts & News Offers

Users may allow SAIQ company to send temporary notifications regarding discount offers and news from SAIQ. Temporary notifications may be activated or deactivated through "Settings" > "Privacy" lists in SAIQ's app.

b. Devices Permissions

Most mobile platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) have identified certain types of device data that applications cannot use without the device owner's permission, and these platforms have different ways of obtaining this permission. Please check the settings available on your device or check with your provider.

c. Ratings pages in the app

After each walk, passengers and driver partners can rate one another with a standard of one to 5 stars. The average of this assessment relates to the user's account and is displayed to other users who provide or receive services. For example, the Driver Partners Assessment feature is available for passengers requesting rides, and the Passenger Assessment feature is available for driver partners.

The mutual assessment system holds everyone accountable for their behaviour. Taking responsibility helps create a respectful and safe environment for both driver and passenger partners.

Passengers can see the average assessment in the main list within SAIQ's app, as well as details of the average assessment in the privacy center of SAIQ.

Driver partners can also see the average evaluation after pressing the profile in SAIQ's app.

Click here for more information.

d. Marketing and Advertising Options

They provide users with the following options on how to use their data for marketing and advertising purposes:

● Personalized marketing communications from SAIQ: Here users may choose to allow SAIQ to use their data to send personalized correspondence (such as emails, temporary notifications and in-app messages) about SAIQ's products and services. Users may also choose to receive any marketing emails or temporary notifications from SAIQ.

● SAIQ Ads: Users may here choose to use their data and share it with advertising partners to provide personalized ads about SAIQ and its services on external apps and websites, or to measure the effectiveness of these ads.

● External advertisements: Users may here choose to use SAIQ for their data to display advertisements for external products or services that are customized based on the interests and characteristics of users already observed or concluded.

● Cookies and Related Technologies: To learn information about how to control SAIQ's use of cookies and related technologies, including their use for ad hoc advertising purposes, please see Cookie Notice

e. ' Requests for users' data

SAIQ gives users a variety of ways to recognize, control and provide queries and comments, regarding how SAIQ uses their data.

● Data usage: Users can access data, including profile data, consultation or order history through SAIQ applications. Users can also use your data feature to view a summary online of information about their accounts, such as the number of rides or requests, evaluation, the status of rewards, and the number of days they join SAIQ. They can also request access to their data here.

● Data portability: Users may request a copy of their data using SAIQ's data downloader. For an overview of the data available through this tool, please click here. Users may also request a copy of their data here.

● Change or update data: Users can edit the name, phone number, email address, payment method, and account image through the "Settings" menu in driver apps. Users can also request to update or correct their data from here.

● Delete data: Users may request to delete their accounts at any time through the privacy center of SAIQ, or through the "Settings" > "Privacy" lists in SAIQ app.

● Objections, restrictions and complaints: Users may request that we cease using all or some of their data, or restrict our use of their data from here. This includes objection to our use of data based on SAIQ's legitimate interests. The driver may continue to analyse and use the data after submitting such objection or request to the extent required or permitted by law.

Fifth. Updates to this notice We may update this notice sometimes.

We may update this notice sometimes.

We may update this notice sometimes. If significant changes are made, we will inform users beforehand through SAIQ's apps or other means, such as email. We encourage users to check this notice periodically for up-to-date information about applicable privacy practices. The use of our services after they have been updated is consent to the notification updated to the extent permitted by law.

Privacy Principles in SAIQ By using SAIQ app, you are fully confident that SAIQ can keep your personal information private. We are committed to maintaining that trust, and this starts by helping you understand the privacy practices of SAIQ. Privacy principles lay the foundation for the way we deal with privacy in SAIQ.

We treat data with caution and privacy.

Responsible data management is a prerequisite for continuous innovation. We preserve the value of personal data as users hope, as we maintain its accuracy and integrity, and adequately damage it when the need to use it goes away, in our understanding of the importance of the personal data of SAIQ's company and users. This improves the quality of our services, gains and enhances the trust of our users, and makes us a service that is distinct from other services in the market.

We provide privacy in our services from start to finish.

Privacy is an important component of creating world-class services, from inception to rollout and beyond. Privacy reviews of new and changing products, technologies and services fulfill users' aspirations and build a foundation for exceptional customer experience. This is called the "privacy by design" principle.

We only collect the data we need.

We have a specific goal consistent with our goals and values, which we consider when collecting, using, or analysing personal data. We collect personal data only to the extent specified and use it for approved and legal purposes.

We are transparent about data practices.

We are frank about the personal data we collect and how they are used and shared. We commit ourselves to doing so.

We offer users options on their data.

We provide users with clear options about their privacy and easy-to-use controls to manage their data.

We keep personal data safe.

We provide responsible and appropriate protection methods to prevent the loss, unauthorized use or disclosure of personal data.

Control your privacy Visit the Privacy Center to make choices about how we use your data, explore privacy products, and manage privacy settings.

Go to Privacy Center How we use your information SAIQ facilitates you with mobility services. Understanding the data we collect and how to use it should be as easy.

We have a privacy notice that details what data we collect and how we use it to provide you with a secure and reliable experience.

We have also summarized this information in the charts below. It explains the purposes for which the data SAIQ uses each category of SAIQ's user (passengers, driver partners/delivery partners), and the types of data you use for each purpose.

You can also download an extended version of this chart.

How to read this table

● ✓ means we use data for this purpose all over the world.

● ✓ * means that we use data for this purpose all over the world,

● These charts also indicate the legal basis on which SAIQ relies for each data use under privacy laws,

● Data Categories Passenger, Order Recipients, Driver Partners and Delivery Partners To provide our services To maintain safety and security To provide support to customers To conduct research and development processes To provide communication between users Marketing Non-marketing communications To meet legal procedures and requirements Customer Enquiries How SAIQ uses location information ?

SAIQ helps you get to the destination you want to go to. This means that website information is essential for our services. We use this information to help passengers and driver partners meet, identify the best routes, enable users to track their progress and share the status of the journey with their friends, develop new features and services, and enhance safety and security, as well as other purposes outlined in the Privacy Notice.

Does SAIQ share your data with anyone?

Providing some SAIQ services and the advantages of sharing information with other users. For example, when ordering a trip, the two rendezvous and drop points are shared with the driver partner. We may also share information at your request, such as when you wish to share your trip status with family and friends. We may also share your data with our subsidiaries, affiliates and trading partners, or we can share it for legal purposes or in conflict situations. See the Privacy Notice for more details.

How long does SAIQ keep your data?

We keep user profile and transaction information as long as you have SAIQ account. We also keep vehicle data and check the criminal background of driver and delivery partners (to the extent permitted by law) as long as they have SAIQ's account.

What happens to your data when you delete your account?

If you delete your account, SAIQ keeps location, device and usage data as long as it is necessary to provide services and comply with applicable laws. For example, we hold this data for at least 7 years for the purposes of regulatory, tax, insurance, litigation and other legal requirements. We may also use this data for the purposes of safety, account security, prevention and monitoring of frauds and conducting R&D during this period.

How do I request a copy of my data?

You can request a copy of your data from here (login required). The process of creating the archive usually takes a few days. Here you can learn more about the type of data included. How do I ask the Data Protection Officer (DPO) in SAIQ, and what is his role?

SAIQ's data protection officer is responsible for directing actions in compliance with the Data Protection Regulation. It is also the contact point for privacy regulators and is responsible for receiving users' inquiries and identifying their data privacy concerns. If you have further queries about your personal data after reading FAQs, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of a driver by submitting an application through this form. Please refer to the Driver's Privacy Notice for more information Privacy Notice

We Access API's In Saiq Driver application